A JAM LIKE NO OTHER VISTEVIA'S SUGAR FREE MULBERRY JAM is a sugar-free low-calorie jam made with 100% natural ingredients – whole mulberries and stevia. With each mouthful of this jam enjoy biting into pieces of mulberries which have not been massacred in the production process. No flavour or colour is added to enhance the taste of our product, rather it’s the authentic ingredients that will make you fall in love with it. Until you taste this product you will not believe that sugar-free jams can taste even more delicious than sugar filled jams. Treat your family and yourself to this berry jam and you will never look back.
CONTAINS MORE THAN 60% WHOLE BERRIES - made with real whole berries, no colour flavour or artificial sweeteners have been used. 100% natural and safe for all. Berries naturally contain less fructose and thereby are perfect for sugar free jams
SUGAR FREE - ingredients such as erythritol, isomalt and sorbitol used along with stevia, to make it genuinely sugar-free. No hidden sugars which make your blood sugar spike. Low in calorie and carbohydrates as well.
DIABETIC & KETO FRIENDLY - honest and superior quality ingredients that make the jam truly sugar-free.
DELICIOUS TO TASTE - you wil definitely not miss sugar while enjoying these jams. We promise that not only does this jam deliver on the health spectrum but also on taste
SWEETENED WITH STEVIA - Stevia is a natural sugar substitute and is safe for all.
WHY MULBERRY - Mulberries have low levels of fructose and are known to help with diabetes management. Its not only good for health but lovely to taste too.
SUPERIOR QUALITY - Made in small batches and not in machines to maintain integrity of the fruits and homemade taste of the jams
MADE WITH TRUST AND LOVE - We give to you what we proudly serve to our family as well.